AfriGIS achieves Level 1 B-BBEE status

(Pretoria, South Africa – 6 April 2021)

Going beyond the obvious to transform societies & people’s lives.

AfriGIS, South Africa’s leaders in geospatial science and geospatial information solutions, recently announced that it has achieved a Level 1 Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) status.

Hein Badenhorst, CEO of AfriGIS, says their new Level 1 contribution status builds on the company’s legacy of embracing sustainable transformation and fostering meaningful change.

“As a company proudly rooted in our South African heritage, we have always been committed to meaningful participation in the growth of our country’s economy,” he adds. “Our unique approach as a business allows us to build a future that is based on seeing and doing things differently; that through our people and the solutions we offer, we can go beyond the obvious to transform societies and people’s lives. Our Level 1 status is one way in which we can bring that vision to life.”

The new score was achieved by maintaining and, in some instances, improving even further on the five B-BBEE scorecard pillars: Ownership, Management Control, Skills Development, Procurement and Social Economic Development.

AfriGIS has expanded its commitment to supporting more partners through its enterprise- and supplier development programmes. They have also expanded their skills development drive by incorporating a collaborative partnership with the YES 4 Youth Programme.

Badenhorst explains that the ICT sector as a whole remains challenged with a shortage of quality skills and a scarcity of experienced talent: “Our skills development initiatives allow us to play a meaningful role in developing and empowering young talent with in-demand skills. We are grateful to be part of these initiatives and to be able to play a proactive role in developing a more robust industry ecosystem. In this way, AfriGIS also remains at the forefront of moulding tomorrow’s geospatial scientists today.”



Issued by Hatch Communication on behalf of AfriGIS.

For media enquiries, contact Jonathan Bishop on +27 (0)82 828 0017 or email

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