24-hour gender violence call centre launched

Mar 26 2014

Victims of gender-based violence will now be able to contact social workers around the clock for guidance on a new hotline.

The Department of Social Development yesterday launched the Control Centre on Gender- Based Violence (GBV) in partnership with Vodacom and the South African Police Service (SAPS).

The 24-hour call centre* is dedicated to provide support and counselling.

The six-month pilot phase was launched in Pretoria yesterday and focuses on specific areas in Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal. These areas include Hillbrow, Sunnyside, Moroka, Akasia and Alexandra in Gauteng and Edendale and Inanda in KwaZulu-Natal.

“People from all over the country can phone the helpline. If it is an emergency it will be directed to the nearest police station and if you are in one of the areas we will be able to give support on the phone and direct you to a shelter or non-profit organisation in your area for long-term help,” Bathembo Futhsane from the department said.

In the case of a non-emergency, victims outside the specific areas will be directed to a local social worker’s office. Director-general of the department, Coceko Pakade, said domestic violence statistics in South Africa are alarming.

“Nationally over 71% of women are sexually abused and a woman is raped every 26 seconds,” he said.
He added that the helpline was not only for women.

“Men facing any type of gender-based abuse can also phone the helpline.”


Source: The Citizen 26 March 2014


*AfriGIS is proud to be involved as a solution partner on this project.

Other related sources & articles:
City Press: Command centre offers immediate help to victims of gender violence


Pretoria News: Gender violence victims have number to call for help


News24.com: Abused women should be supported – minister


AllAfrica.com: South Africa: Call Centre Launched to Assist Victims of Gender-Based Violence http://allafrica.com/stories/201403251247.html


SANews.gov.za: Call centre launched to assist victims of gender-based violence
http://www.sanews.gov.za/south-africa/call-centre-launched-assist-victims-gender-based-violence &

SANews.gov.za: Call centre a lifeline for women

Polity.org.za SA: Statement by the Department of Social Development, on the Launch of the pilot phase of the Command Centre on Gender-Based Violence (25/03/2014)

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