More and more prominent Courier & Delivery Companies are using AfriGIS Search, powered by IntiendoLS, to capture and validate correct addresses for optimal first time deliveries.
AfriGIS Search, powered by IntiendoLS, is an advanced address capturing, cleaning and geocoding solution that enables you to use the e-Commerce, ERP or bulk interface to capture, verify and maintain accurate, updated and geocoded customer addresses -therefore you can get a single, verified, geocoded customer database that can be used throughout your organisation to increase profitability and efficiency in your business.
Experience how AfriGIS Search, powered by IntiendoLS, improves service delivery of prominent delivery and courier companies:
Dropdown Search with Autocomplete
Validated and Geocoded Addresses and Erven
Old and new names
Optimised Delivery Routes
- Fast, simple and correct address capturing, validation and maintenance.
- A verified geocoded customer address database that drives customer interaction and locality from the bottom up, improving your territory decision making, customer segmentation and driving efficiencies around logistics.
- Never worry about address data quality again.
Speed | Address validation | Simplicity | e-Commerce | ERP | Suggestion Reference datasets | CRM maintenance
- Capture
- Clean
- Verify & Classify
- Locate & Map
- Centralise & Consolidate
- Analyse & Report