The 45th Plenary week of ISO/TC211 was held in Wellington, New Zealand, during the last week of November 2017.
Like a symphony, it takes a lot of people working together to develop a standard. ISO’s role is similar to that of a conductor, while the orchestra is made up of independent technical experts nominated by our members. The experts form a technical committee that is responsible for a specific subject area.*
The ISO/TC211 committee is tasked with standardisation in the field of digital geographic information. Technical meetings were held in the business centre of the Victoria University. Meetings across six working groups took place; progress was made that resulted in 27 new resolutions during the plenary meeting on Friday.
Wednesday saw the Standards in Action workshop. Presentations by New Zealand and Australia showcased how they have embraced the work of TC211 in their data offering. Topics included: Addressing; Linked Data; Land Administration; Profiling and Interoperability.
The various presentations can be viewed on:
ISO/TC211 Plenary Meeting 2017
AfriGIS as a company remains committed to ISO/TC211. The work done on standardisation globally is inspiring in driving us forward. The process of standardisation and ensuring that the AfriGIS Datasets adheres to the requirements of compliance is vital.
AfriGIS is also a member of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and International Cartographic Association (ICA) accredited. The AfriGIS master address datasets are compliant with the ISO 19160-1:2015 Addressing: Conceptual Model – Part 1.
The 46th Plenary meeting is set for May 2018 against the back drop of Copenhagen.
For more information visit:
*Quote Source